Ukraine Missiontrips

Cfan Firecamps

We did one Cfan Firecamp in Lviv in 2022 Summer and second Firecamp in December. In Firecamp we teached young Ukrainians to preach the simple gospel of Jesus Christ and how to pray for the sick etc.

These one week Cfan Firecamp evangelism training impacted many peoples lives and after that people keep preaching the gospel. God moved powerfully in both of the Firecamps. The presence of the Holy Spirit and power of God was so strongly there and many weeped and some got filled with joy.

Can you imagine people whos fathers or family members died but Holy Spirit is comforting them giving them peace and joy in the middle of the war! The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy.


Our teams evacuated with bulletproof vans many people from dangerous places where bombs exploded and not far from war zone. I remember one day when had to go to preach the gospel in one village which was occupied by the enemy before in Ukraine. As we shared humanitarian aid to group of people, suddenly a rocket hit nearby house roof which was 30-60 meters from us.

In our team we had girls and people who were not ready for that kind of mission. But by the grace of God nobody got hurt or damaged. All our 5 vans were safe. We had my friend Raphael from Germany with us who was a German Soldier and gave up his job and came to Ukraine since 2nd day of war and have helped a lot and preached.

So when he took over the leading then i felt safe because i knew what he is doing, he has been in war before and know what to do in these kind of situations when youre under attack. So my friend Raphael said everyone get into the vans lets get some people to evacuate and leave this place and meet at one village nearby where was safe.

So one of from our vans was already full of people who just came in and said take us away from that place. One of our team member David from Germany evacuated them to safer village and then from there to another city where they could start new life again.

Other 3 vans went to seek if there were more people who needed to be evacuated since that place were attacked by rockets. Then finally my van which i drove and had a local Ukrainian team member. We were looking people who needed some humanitarian aid. So we found 1-2 people stopped and then gave them food, other people were hiding in homes and then when they saw us people came out to get some food.

I asked people is there someone who is bringing them food? They said nobody is helping us because its dangerous, cars and vans are coming in and out to evacuate people but no food. So we distributed food to people everywhere we stopped people start to gather then we drove to next location because the rockets exploded nearby us.
After some hours i heard Holy Spirit said to me go back to the safe village where we agreed to meet with all the team. So we started to drive but the problem was we didnt know way back and some places were so badly destroyed around. As we drove we saw one van and asked where is the way and he drove before us and showed us the way to safe area.

All our team came almost same time back to safe area, its very interesting because we agreed that we gonna meet later on but didnt agree what time exactly but Holy Spirit led us all back together in right time. We have to be led by the Holy Spirit and specially in the country where is war you better hear the voice of God and be obidient! It can save your life and other peoples lives!

There were many people who didnt want to leave their homes and houses and im not sure how many from them are alive after that until now. But i do know that some places where we preached the gospel even the same day some people died but they went to Heaven!

In one month we saw more than 10, 000 decisons for Jesus and we saw a lot of miracles and healings. Praise the Lord! ! 

We also preached the gospel in churches, empowered local churches.


Peru Mission Trip